You may have heard the sayings “What would Jesus do?” or “What would Buddha do?”
or any number phrases and techniques designed to help you reach life goals by modeling your behavior after people you admire. These are often very useful tools.

What if you could trust that YOU know the best answer? Instead of wondering what someone else would do, you begin to ask yourself, “What would I do?” What if you knew at an authentic core level that your answer was the absolute best based on knowing it comes from YOU? Guess what? You can develop that trust in yourself. And the good news is that you are already that YOU! You exist here as a human being and you experience through your body and mind. You have a body and a mind, however, YOU are not your body and YOU are not your mind.

Our bodies and our minds are accumulated through the stories we tell ourselves and the experiences we choose. The body and mind we have today is based on past stories and experiences. Most human beings accumulate experiences in an unintentional way and do not question the story we tell ourselves. We experience through our minds and our bodies and most often continue to accumulate in a reactionary way! We shroud ourselves from our authentic selves with self-doubt, judgment of others, victimizing thoughts, alienating communication, and unintentional choice making. If we can bring attention and intention to our experiences and begin to choose the stories we tell ourselves, we can then continuously create a beautiful life.

Now, everyone has a unique story that brought them to this moment in life. So honor your journey and seek the tools that will help you reach YOU. I have collected and developed some tools that in various combinations are helpful to most people. Using a few simple daily practices, you can begin to create the body and the mind you want and then use them to create the joyful life you deserve!

I offer exploration of these areas:

  • Your Story – What is your story – do you need a new one?
  • Your Body – How are you experiencing health – do you want more vitality?
  • Your Mind – Who are you allowing to act on your behalf?
  • Your Spirit – How are you serving yourself and others?
  • YOU – What would you do?

You can contact me to find out about private coachingclasses, and healing sessions designed to help you develop in these areas so you can truly trust the answer to “What would you do?”

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